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Leaves and Trees: Supporting Role or Stars?

Do you find yourself looking at the fancy dessert over the dependable meatloaf waiting patiently on the dinner plate? See the snazzy wrapping paper instead of the cardboard box containing the actual gift?

Sometimes I think leaves and trees are noticed only after we focus first on their beautiful flowers, but the colors and patterns of the supporting leaf or tree trunk often are just as glorious!

When I’m out photographing flowers, I make it a point to also shoot leaves, trees and plants. And when back home and reviewing the shots I got that day, I’m struck by just how stunning they can be, often green and yet other times like a paintbrush created them.

They’re nature’s subtle beauty, quietly waiting their turn for our notice and then delighting with unique and interesting shades and patterns, and the magical way light hits them.

Here are some of my favorites shot in forests, in parks, and on trails. Leaves and trees don’t get the attention they deserve – just like flowers, they’re also stars when you slow down, get up close, and really see them!

What’s your favorite kind of tree, and why? Please comment below!



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