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Mixing It Up Now And Then

Most of my photography subjects are soft – velvety flower petals, fluffy cake frostings, and painterly sky sunsets.

But it’s good to mix things up now and then, and today I photographed hard metal ornaments for the Christmas tree, and antique silverware.

The Daily Artisan encourages us to find creativity in our daily lives, and sometimes I give myself a photography assignment for my creative pursuit on that day.

Today’s challenge was to mix it up by using these hard objects as the primary focus rather than as supporting props in a larger (and softer) scene.

Antique silver pieces passed down in my family intentionally are kept tarnished to show their age for when I use them in food photography. And the metal ornaments for the tree took on a different look and feel by photographing them with dark backdrops yet still natural light.

So, for today’s blog post, I hope you enjoy something that comes without pink flowers or fluffy frosting! It was fun to shoot the hard items for a different look than what I tend to photograph.

Mixing it up now and then is good for most things!

Be sure to follow The Daily Artisan on Facebook and Instagram @thedailyartisan, and check out The Daily Artisan online store for note cards of my photographs!

April 27, 2022



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