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Reverie of Reds

With reverie the condition of being lost in thought, it’s equally easy to get lost in colors. Red fruits and vegetables cover the gamut of shades – scarlet, maroon, cardinal, claret, ruby, fire engine, vermilion, and more – and photographing all one color is a great way to really focus on shades and textures.

In an earlier post, I talked about pushing my grocery cart full of one color in preparation for photography sessions, and one of the most enjoyable was a focus on these beautiful reds.

The color of energy, passion, adventure, desire, excitement, and courage, red draws you in and engages you maybe more than any other color.

The man who taught me film photography and the darkroom in my first after-college job was a retired photographer for the CIA, and in his career he traveled around the world photographing things he wouldn’t or couldn’t tell us about – other than to remind the firm’s writers of the old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words.

And in memory of this fine gentleman who saw and chronicled things about which we can only wonder, today’s post will let my photos tell their own story.

Today we celebrate red in all its resplendent glory. Enjoy!


What’s your favorite red fruit or vegetable? What other color theme should I photograph? Please comment below!



  1. Reply

    Jeff Evans

    December 2, 2021

    It’s still a couple months away, but in honor of Mardi Gras, I’d love to see food combinations of purple, yellow and green…

    • Reply

      Susan Evans

      December 2, 2021

      Great idea, Jeff, and sounds fun — thanks!


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