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Photographs of Blue Flowers, and Multicolored Parrot Selected in Instagram competitions! (First One)

It was exciting news to learn that two of my photographs have been selected as features by Instagram hubs – the first a photo of blue flowers, and the second a multicolored parrot!

This first one was for a hub that selects features based on colors. I took the photograph over the weekend at the Edison Ford Winter Estates. Sometimes I’m as excited about background leaves as about the flowers themselves!

This particular hub is @rebel_colors, currently with 2,753 followers, and part of a family of hubs with 73,915 followers! This hub previously selected my yellow flower (also with deep green background leaves), and I’m so grateful for these introductions to the hub’s followers.

Here’s the Instagram announcement about the selection – thank you, @rebel_colors!

Follow The Daily Artisan on Facebook and Instagram @thedailyartisan, and check out The Daily Artisan online store for note cards of my photographs!



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